Kenny Waste Management to contribute to the Parliamentary Review

Kenny Waste Management has been invited to write for the Parliamentary Review, an independent publication that promotes best practice and knowledge engagement within industries. It’s a great honour to be one of the few organisations invited to contribute to the Review, and an excellent opportunity to share our expertise.


The Parliamentary Review is written by industry experts, and is produced as part of a central government process to engage exemplar organisations from a multitude of sectors with policy makers and industry leaders.

The review is distributed throughout central government, local government and business executives across the UK. Contributors are chosen for their expertise and high standards, and are examples of best practice in their fields.

As anyone who has worked with us knows, we are dedicated to eliminating landfill waste, and are at the forefront of waste management in the UK. To be invited to provide industry intelligence at this level is an excellent opportunity to contribute to this dialogue nationally.

The brief from the Parliamentary Review asks us to outline initiatives and projects. We’ll give examples of Kenny Waste Management’s recent achievements, from our investment in our sorting processes at our materials recycling facility to our work with the local community.

Our aim in writing for the Parliamentary Review is to promote high standards of waste management both within the waste industry and among the contractors we work with. We’re committed to promoting best practice as business-as-usual, with all involved actively striving to meet the government’s waste management targets.

At Kenny Waste Management, we want waste inspections and guidelines to be treated with the same level of importance and commitment on site as health and safety is currently.

Not all practitioners operate to our rigorous standards; and unless guidelines are tightened up across the board, the country simply won’t be able to meet its waste management targets. However, we feel optimistic that the targets are achievable, given industry-wide commitment.

We’re honoured that we’ve been invited to contribute to the Parliamentary Review, and we hope that we can play a part in raising the standards of waste management in the UK.

The Review will be published later in the year. In the meantime, if you have any questions about our waste management practices or ethos, please get in touch with us.


Kenny Waste Management